

The company LABORATOIRES CEORA (hereinafter " our Company "), A simplified joint stock company with a capital of 364,000 Euros, whose head office is located at 4, rue de Marivaux in Paris (75002), registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 793 287 889, offers the sale of care products and everyday products (hereinafter the " Product (s) ") on its website www.doliderm-paris.myshopify.com (hereinafter the " Site ") to natural person customers major and having the capacity to contract (hereinafter the " Client (s) ").

These general conditions of sale govern the contractual relations between our Company and its Customers relating to the sale of Products.

Any order for a Product from our Company implies on the part of the Customer the unconditional acceptance of these general conditions of sale. As such, the Customer declares to have read them and to have accepted them by checking the box provided for this purpose when ordering online.

These general conditions of sale may be subject to subsequent modifications. The version applicable to the Customer's purchase is the one in force on the Site on the date the order is placed.

1. Characteristics and details of the Products

Details and characteristics of the Products offered by our Company are available on the Site.

Each Product is presented in the form of a product sheet including a description of it (format, description, advice for use, composition) as well as its price.

The Customer acknowledges having read all of these elements prior to any order, so that he declares himself fully informed of the nature and specific characteristics of the Products he wishes to acquire. On the basis of the elements thus made available to him, the Customer is solely responsible for his purchase.

2. Access to the Site - Create an account

The Customer can browse the Site freely.

He can, if he wishes, create a personal account on the Site when placing an order.

To create this account, the Customer must specify his name, first name and email address.

The Client creates the password chosen for access to the account.

After validation, the Customer receives an e-mail confirming the creation of his personal account and indicating his username allowing him to access said account.

The Customer agrees to keep his username and password secret and not to disclose them to any third party. He is solely responsible for access to his personal account using his username and password, except for proof of fraudulent use which is not attributable to him.

In the event of loss, misappropriation or fraudulent use of his username and / or password, he undertakes to immediately notify the sales department of our Company.

3. Orders

Orders for Product (s) are recorded online on the Site.

They are carried out as follows:

  1. Selection by the Customer of the Product (s) ordered,
  2. Access to the order via the "Your cart" tab,
  3. Confirmation of the order by a first "click" made by the Customer,
  4. Information by the Customer of the data necessary for processing the order and for delivery, or if desired, login to your personal account,
  5. Acceptance by the Customer of these general conditions of sale,
  6. Customer's selection of the shipping method,
  7. Information by the Customer of the data necessary for secure payment,
  8. Validation of payment by a second "click" made by the Customer.

Our Company sends the Customer an order confirmation email containing the details and characteristics of the Product (s) ordered, the price and the terms of payment, as well as the delivery terms.

When the Customer has created a personal account on the Site, he can also access the elements of his order in the “ORDERS” section of said account.

It is also specified that the Customer is solely responsible:

  • the accuracy of the information that he communicates when ordering (name, first name, contact details, delivery address , etc…) and the resulting consequences (delay, impossibility or error of delivery, etc…). In the event of error or inaccuracy, all costs incurred by our Company, in particular for the reshipment of the order, will be entirely the responsibility of the Customer;
  • the choice of the Product (s) subject to its order and the resulting consequences (incompatibility, unsuitability, etc.).

All orders are subject to both the availability of the Product and the receipt of payment from the Customer by our Company.

4. Prices and payment terms

4.1 Price

The prices are those indicated on the sheets of the Products appearing on the Site.

They are expressed in euros, all taxes included, excluding delivery costs, which appear in the order summary.


  • Terms of payment


The price of the Products is payable in full when ordering, by Paypal or by card banking , it being specified that a secure payment system has been set up on the Site.

As soon as the order is validated, a confirmation email accompanied by the invoice is sent to the Customer, it being specified that only orders for which payment has been accepted are considered like farms. Consequently, an order can only be definitively validated after full payment and acceptance of payment by the Customer's bank.

In the event of non-payment or incorrect or incomplete information on the order, our Company reserves the right to cancel it, without notice or compensation. whatever title.

  • Delivery


The Products are available for delivery in mainland France.

Delivery costs are billed to the Customer at the rate indicated when ordering.

The products are delivered to the address specified by the Customer when ordering.

The delivery period begins to run from the day the order becomes firm and final.

The period generally observed for the delivery of Products in mainland France is 4 days at from dispatch.

Our Company undertakes to make its best efforts to deliver the Product (s) ordered by the Customer within the above deadlines. However, these are provided for information only.

Except in special cases or unavailability of one or more Products, Products ordered in the same order are delivered at one time.

In any event, delivery of the Products ordered assumes that the Customer has paid for the entire order.

From delivery, the Customer is solely responsible for the conservation of the Product (s) ordered. Loss, theft and / or damage subsequent to delivery cannot therefore give rise to any reimbursement or compensation from our Company.

  • Guarantees


The Products sold by our Company benefit from the legal guarantee against hidden defects defined in articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code and the legal guarantee of conformity under the conditions provided in Article L. 217-4 and following of the Consumer Code.

Our Company is liable for any lack of conformity of the Product with the contract under the conditions of Article L. 217-4 of the Consumer Code.

Thus, our Company is required to deliver a Product in accordance with the contract and is liable for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery. It also responds to any lack of conformity resulting from the packaging, when it is charged to it.

As such, the Customer, when acting as a legal guarantee of conformity:

- has a period of two years from the delivery of the goods to act, in accordance with Article L. 217-7 of the Consumer Code ;

- can choose between repairing or replacing the item, subject to the cost conditions provided for in article L. 217-9 of the Consumer Code;

- is exempt from providing proof of the existence of the lack of conformity of the good during the twenty-four months following the delivery of the good. < / p>

The legal guarantee of conformity applies regardless of any commercial guarantee granted.

The consumer may decide to implement the warranty against hidden defects in the item sold within the meaning of article 1641 of the Civil Code. In this case, he can choose between canceling the sale or reducing the sale price in accordance with article 1644 of the Civil Code.

Any claim under the guarantees referred to above must be submitted to our Company by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, justifying the reality and the nature of the defects observed.

The disputed Products must be kept by the Customer in such a way that they are not altered.

All Product returns are subject to our Company's prior consent and compliance with its return shipping procedures and instructions.

  • Right of withdrawal


In accordance with Article L. 221-18 of the Consumer Code, the Customer has a period of fourteen (14) days from delivery of the Product (s) ordered to exercise the right of withdrawal from our Company.

The Customer may exercise his right of withdrawal by informing our Company of his decision to withdraw by sending, before the expiry of the period mentioned above, the withdrawal form annexed to these general conditions or any other unambiguous declaration expressing its desire to withdraw.

When the right of withdrawal referred to above is exercised and if one or more Products have already been delivered to the Customer, the latter shall return it or them to our Company, at the latest within fourteen (14) days following the communication of its decision to withdraw. The Customer bears the costs relating to the return of the Products.

Product (s) returns must be made in their original and complete condition (packaging, etc.). Damaged or incomplete Products are not taken back.

Our Company will reimburse the sums paid by the Customer no later than fourteen (14) days from receipt of the returned Product (s), or upon from the date on which it is informed of the decision to withdraw when no delivery has been made. This refund is made using the same means of payment as that used by the Customer for the initial transaction, unless the latter expressly agrees that another means of payment is used.

  • Intellectual property


Any total or partial reproduction of the Site for any use other than private is strictly prohibited.

The same applies to texts, comments, works, illustrations and images contained in the Site, in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, as well as international conventions in force.

  • Protection of personal data


As part of ordering Products, our Company may collect personal data relating to the Customer.

To this end, our Company undertakes to comply with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, namely:

  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, dated April 27, 2016 applicable since May 25, 2018,
  • Law n ° 78-17 relating to data processing, files and freedoms dated January 6, 1978 , amended by Law No. 2018-493 of June 20, 2018 on the protection of personal data.

Find out more about managing your data and your rights.

  • Responsibility


Our Company has a "professional liability" insurance policy with a reputable and well-known company. It is however specified that the responsibility of our Company is expressly subordinated to the full respect of the obligations of the Customer, in particular as regards the payment of the price.

  • Access to the Site and links


Taking into account the specificities of the Internet network, our Company cannot offer any guarantee of continuity of access to the Site, being bound in this regard only an obligation of means.

The responsibility of our Company can not therefore be engaged in the event of damage related to the inability to access the Site, due in particular to a malfunction or 'network saturation.

Our Company disclaims any responsibility for the content of sites published by third parties that the Customer may be required to consult from the links existing on the Site, as well than the information and services disseminated by these links.

Consequently, it is the Customer's responsibility to take all necessary precautions and protective measures when using these links.

  • Complaints - Litigation


All requests for information and / or complaints can be submitted to our Company:

- by post sent to the head office: 4, rue de Marivaux, 75002 PARIS,

- by e-mail to the following address contact@doliderm.fr,

- by phone at +33 1 41 05 45 62

All relations between our Company and its Customers are governed by French law.

All disputes or difficulties as well as, more generally, all disputes with Customers relating to the interpretation or execution of these general conditions of sale will be subject to to the competent courts under the conditions of common law.

In accordance with article L.612-1 of the Consumer Code, our Company offers the Customer a mediation service for consumer disputes related to the supply of the Products offered, the contact details of which are as follows:

The FEVAD e-commerce Mediator service

60 rue la Boétie

75008 PARIS

mediateurduecommerce@fevad.com .


  • Miscellaneous stipulations



13.1. The fact that any of these conditions is not invoked at a given time cannot be interpreted as a waiver to enforce these.

13.2. In the event that any of these conditions is declared null or contrary to a provision of public order, it will be deemed unwritten and the other stipulations will remain in force.

13.3. In the event of any discrepancy between these general conditions and the special conditions agreed between the parties when ordering, the latter shall prevail .


" Art. L217-4 : The seller delivers goods in conformity with the contract and is liable for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery.

It is also responsible for any lack of conformity resulting from the packaging, the assembly instructions or the installation when it has been charged to it by the contract or has been carried out under its responsibility.

Art. L. 217-5 : The good is in conformity with the contract:

1 ° If it is suitable for the use usually expected of a similar good and, where applicable:

- if it corresponds to the description given by the seller and has the qualities that the latter presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model ;

- if it presents the qualities that a buyer can legitimately expect given the public statements made by the seller, the producer or his representative, in particular in advertising or labeling;

2 ° Or if it presents the characteristics defined by mutual agreement by the parties or is suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the knowledge of the seller and that the latter has accepted.

Art. L. 217-12 : Action resulting from lack of conformity lapses two years after delivery of the goods.

Art. L. 217-16 : When the buyer asks the seller, during the course of the commercial guarantee that was granted to him during the acquisition or the repair of movable property, a repair covered by the warranty, any downtime of at least seven days is added to the duration of the warranty that remained to run.

This period runs from the buyer's request for intervention or the provision for repair of the property in question, if this provision is subsequent to the intervention request. "


" Art. 1641 : The seller is bound by the warranty for hidden defects in the item sold which make it unfit for the use for which it is intended, or which reduce this use so much that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would have given a lower price, if he had known them.

Art. 1648, paragraph 1 : The action resulting from fatal defects must be brought by the purchaser within two years from the discovery of the defect. "

Annex : Cancellation form: to be reproduced or sent to LABORATOIRES CEORA, at the following address: 4, rue de Marivaux 75002 PARIS

For the attention of LABORATOIRES CEORA

I [Last name, First name, address of the consumer]:

Hereby notifies you of my withdrawal from the contract for the sale of [specify the Product (s) ordered]:

- ordered on: [date of order]

- order number: [number provided in the order confirmation sent to the customer]

On [date]

A [place]

Consumer signature:

  • Fondée par des pharmaciens experts

    Développée par des pharmaciens. Leurs buts étant d'animer une mission claire : offrir le meilleur à leur clients. Grâce à leur expertise et à leur passion, nos gels douche sont formulés pour répondre aux besoins de toutes les peaux, même les plus sensibles, en alliant efficacité, douceur et plaisir sensoriel.

  • Une marque engagée

    Nous croyons en une beauté durable et éthique. Nos processus de fabrication sont transparents et respectueux de l'environnement, et nous travaillons avec des partenaires partageant nos valeurs.

  • Doliderm aujourd'hui

    Depuis sa création, Doliderm n'a cessé de grandir grâce à la confiance de ses clients. Aujourd'hui, notre marque s'impose non seulement dans les salles de bains, mais aussi à travers les médias. Présents à la télévision, dans la presse et sur les réseaux sociaux, nos produits sont plébiscités pour leur qualité et leur efficacité.

Notre histoire

Doliderm Paris, née de l’association de pharmaciens français du groupe Leader Santé, présente des produits de soins familiaux accessibles et adaptés à toutes les peaux, même les plus sensibles. Fabriqués en laboratoire par des personnalités fortes dans leurs domaines d’expertises, ces soins offrent une expérience sensorielle unique.

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